about us.

we choose how we shape our future for ourselves, our community and our planet.

what is sustainable marketing?

Sustainability 'meet the needs of present generations without compromising the needs of future generations'.

Marketing is 'the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large' 

why cradle earth?

Our throw away nature creates a sense of disconnect from the planet. Our belongings have less sentimental value and our online presence is more a recognition of status, rather than having any green or positive, influential impact.

We have such a powerful tool in our hands which has allowed us to reach every corner of the world,
let's use it to do good.

Cradle Earth is different because we LOVE and understand how the Earth connects us all, that's why we need to cherish and
cradle it. We want to give Earth a seat in your meeting room, guiding us through our strategic planning stages of transforming your brand.

who we are:

founder | rebecca clinton-floyed

Hi my name is Beccy, a big lover of our planet and all the beautiful things that inhabit it.

Why did I start Cradle Earth? Well I love what I do and who I get to work with. I know that profits comes in more than one way. Using the Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit) and The Circular Economy theory as a basis for brand strategy, we can encompass social, environment and financial factors to achieve greater value in our marketing processes.

With business global outreach and the power of education, changing consumer behavioural patterns is an extremely exciting opportunity.

I have also a background in charity, project management, events and community projects.

creative director | nina mizrany

 I am a Graphic Designer based in Bristol. I graduated from the University of the West of England with a First-Class Honours in Illustration. I use this background in illustration to bring a unique perspective to each task; taking designs from initial pencil scamp to final production. After graduation, I undertook a short internship at Mango Consulting and was later hired full time.


I have spent the past 5+ years working with clients such as Nivea, James Wellbeloved, Soulista Beauty, Plenty Pies and more. In my free time, I love taking on freelance branding projects and have worked with a wide range of start-ups, helping to create an identity that suits their needs .

where & when...

It starts here and right now!

Book your free consultation with Cradle Earth.

lets talk...
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